Our Imaam pauses for some time in the last Qa’dah after he has completed the Durood and Dua. Before making Salaam he waits for a duration far in excess of three Subhaanallaah tasbeehaat. His reason for this long pause is to ensure that all the musallis have completed their Durood and Dua. Is this practice of the Imaam correct?

It is incorrect. It is not permissible to pause so long. There should be absolutely no pause after the completion of the Dua. Sa­laam should follow immediately. If the Imaam believes that some musallis have not completed their dua, he should continue re­citing another dua. This practice of the Imaam is Makrooh. It cannot be corrected by Sajdah Sahw because the pause is not by er­ror. It is by design. He should desist from this Makrooh act.


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