Effort and Hope

Our beloved Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“An intelligent (wise) person is one who has subjugated his nafs (to the Shariah) and who practices for that period which will follow death. And, an ignorant person is one who follows his nafs (desires) and then has hope in Allah.”


Obtainal of Jannat -salvation in the Aakhirah - is dependent upon striving in the Path of Allah Ta’ala. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has, in the above Hadith, succintly stated the basis of rajaa (hope) in the , Rahmat (Mercy) of Allah Ta’ala. Hope in the Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala does not countenance disdain and neglect for the Commands of the Shariah. Those who possess the quality of true hope in Allah’s Mercy are at all times conditioned for obedience to the Law of Allah Ta’ala. Some people - those totally neglectful in their Islamic duties - while involved in the disobedience of Allah Ta’ala seek to smother the inner warnings of their conscience by asserting that ‘Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful’. The above Hadith of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) sums up the condition of such ignorant ones aptly. Those who are careless in the discharge of their Shari obligations have no hope in the Mercy of Allah. Their claims to such hope are negated by Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) who has labelled such ‘hopeful’ ones as ignorant or the ‘most ignorant’.


Man cannot obtain Jannat and the Supreme Salvation of the Aakhirah solely by means of his striving. The sole means of obtaining this Success of the Aakhirah is the Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala. But, the acquisition of this Rahmat requires the fulfilment of the condition of ‘effort’ which primarily involves the submission of the nafs to the Commands of the Shariah. However, no matter how ardent and great our effort, striving and sacrifice may seem, these all fall short-extremely short - of securing Jannat for us, hence the rajaa (hope) in the Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala. Striving, coupled with

The nafs (the carnal self) is a quality which moves only in the direction of evil.

(Bayazid Bustami)

hope in Allah’s Mercy is the perscription for the obtainal of Jannat.


Effort shorn of hope and fear breeds takabbur (pride) which brings in its wake the spiritual annihilation of man. Effort devoid of hope and fear subtely creates in man a feeling of spiritual superiority which is imbued with contempt for others. It is precisely for this reason that some people - those who consider themselves to be pious - holt. others who fall into sin, in contempt. Allah Ta’ala wams us in the Quraan Shareef against this spiritual malady of ‘spiritual superiority’:

“And, do not regard yourselves as being pure (holy and pious) … Verily, We are fully aware of those who are pious.”


The final result of those afflicted with this form of spiritual pride is their revolt against piety. The initial enthusiasm which impelled them towards acts of righteousness soon disappears causing them to lapse into their former conditions of irreligiosity or even worse.

Hadhrat Ali (Karramallahu wajhah) has explained the relationship between effort and hope as follows:

“He who thinks that he will attain Jannat without striving is a slave of the nafs. And, he who thinks that he will attain Jannat only by means of striving will be overtaken by misfortune.”

Hadhrat lmaam Hasan Bisri (Rahmatullah) said:

“The quest for Jannat without righteous deeds is a sin among sins.”

LESSON: Strive consciously in the Path of Allah, but cherish no hope in your deeds. Pin your hope in the Rahmat of Allah. Humility, will then pervade your actions and your attitudes.

Love of Allah is that which excludes friendship with the world.

(Bayazid Bustami)



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