OF the evils which wrought the greatest spiritual disaster - the stunting of the blos­soming of Imaan - the ob­literation of the Nur (Celes­tial glow) inherent in Imaan - is the crime of GHEE­BAH. Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi <wasallam) defined GHEEBAH which we com­monly refer to as scan­dalling as:

“To’speak of a brother Muslim something which if spoken about in his presence he would dislike notwithstanding the fact that the statement made is the truth. “, Gheebali thus means to make a statement in the absence of a brother Muslim, which although true, he would detest.

Our, daily discussions abound with talks of ghee­bah which has become a vice in which most, people indulge in without even feel- In this Quraanic Ayat, ing any guilt or remorse.

As gheebah has been likened to a result of this attitude of “devouring carrion”, and indifference towards the evil that too, with the aggravat­of gheebah, most people ing factor of being the flesh never obtain the Taufeeq to of a dead brother, thus in­make Taubah for this great creasing the abomination of sin ofgheebah. The follow- the crime. The darkness ing Holy Verse of the - spiritual darkness - upon Quraan Shareef will clearly the Imaan created by ghee­illustrate the magnitude of bah is so intense that it this vice of gheebah which ‘eliminates the natural Irnaan brings in its trail destruc- propensity of “raghbat ilat tion to the propensity of taa-ah” and supplants it “RAGHBAT ILAT T AA- . with the abominable trait AH”

(Inclination towards of “RAGHBAT ILAL MA’ Obedience) which is intrin- SlY AH” (Inclination .to-sic in Imaan. wards sin). “. . . And, do not commit gheeban of others Gheebah destroys the . efficacy of Fasting and it What! Do any of you. causes the Fast to be ex­love to eat the flesh of tremely difficult and some­his dead brother? Most times unbearable. Many a time the extreme fatigue assuredly, you will abhor and excessive hunger.

And, fear Allah. Veri- thirst which some people ly, Allah is the Accepter experience while fasting is a of Repentance and Most direct result of the gheebah also results in a twofold transfer of deeds of the two parties. The good deeds of the scandalmonger are trans­ferred to the one about whom he has scandaled, and the sins of the latter are transferred to the scandal-\ monger.

Muslims must, therefore, in all earnestness be cons­cious of this evil of gheebah when they enter into any conversation. There is no greater parasite ‘than ghee­bah to sap the strength and spiritual energy of one’s Imaan.

Merciful”. committed by them. Ghee-


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