OF the evils which wrought the greatest spiritual disaster - the stunting of the blossoming of Imaan - the obliteration of the Nur (Celestial glow) inherent in Imaan - is the crime of GHEEBAH. Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi <wasallam) defined GHEEBAH which we commonly refer to as scandalling as:
“To’speak of a brother Muslim something which if spoken about in his presence he would dislike notwithstanding the fact that the statement made is the truth. “, Gheebali thus means to make a statement in the absence of a brother Muslim, which although true, he would detest. Our, daily discussions abound with talks of gheebah which has become a vice in which most, people indulge in without even feel- In this Quraanic Ayat, ing any guilt or remorse.
Merciful”. committed by them. Ghee- |