YAMEEN literally means “strength, power”.
In the language of the Shariah it signifies a firm obligation to do or abstain from an act or thing intended by the one who takes an oath. The resolution of the one who takes the oath is strengthened on the thing sworn to, hence the oath is termed, |
The one who takes the oath or vow is termed HAALIF and the thing sworn to is called MAHLOOF ALAYH. OATHS (Yameen: sing. Aimaan: plural) are of three kinds: (1) Yameen Ghamoos (2) Yameen Mun’akad (3) Yameen Laghw. YAMEEN GHAMOOS signifies a deliberate false oath taken by the Haalif with regard to a past event. The effect of this type of Yameen is sin. The Haalif commits a serious sin. There is no Kafaarah (Expiation which will be explained later) for it other than Taubah (Repentance) and Istighfaar (seeking forgiveness from Allah Ta ala). YAMEEN MUN’AKAD means an oath sworn with regard to a future event that the Haalif will do it or abstain from it. Failure to fulfill the obligation of this oath warrants Kafaarah (Expiation). In other words, if the one who took the oath fails in acting in accordance with it he shall have to atone for the breach by executing the prescribed Islamic atonement which is explained hereunder. YAMEEN LAGHW is an oath on a past incident where the Haalif is under the impression that the Mahlooff Alayh is in accord with what he thinks, but it transpires that the matter is not so. For example: The Haalif saw Zaid from a distance and thinks him to be Bakr. He thus takes an oath: “By Allah I saw Bakr.” With regard to such an oath, the Fuqahaa say that it is hoped that Allah Ta’ala will not punish the Haalif. Oaths taken deliberately, under compulsion or in a state of forgetfulness are all equal in effect of obligation. Violation of the Yameen (oath) intentionally, under (EXPIATION) OR ATONING FOR THE VIOLATION OF AN OATH.
One who has violated his oath/s and throughout his lifetime he did not atone or pay the Kafaarah should at the time of his departure from earth make wasiyyat (bequeath) to the effect that his Kafaarah be fulfilled. |