IN a statement released to The Majlis, Maulana Ismail Kathrada, Principal of Mohamadiya Madressa at Tayside, “I strongly oppose the claim which appeared in a Sunday paper delegating the appellation of ‘authority’ to a certain Mr Ebrahim Bawa. It is the Islamic obligation of the Ulama to protect the Muslim public and safeguard the Shariah from the opinions and statements of men who have no Islamic qualifications.”In carrying out this holy duty it is necessary for me to inform the Muslim community that the Shariah does not authorise Islamically unqualified men to assume the reins of leadership of the community.

To the best of my knowledge Mr Bawa is not a qualified Alim and is no Islamic authority. He, therefore, has no Islamic im­pact. Much of this industry might be closely related to agricultural and other right to voice himself on behalf of Islam or the Muslim community. The Shariah is sacrosanct and it is the foremost duty of the Ulama to protect it against the mutilationof of a Musjid now converted into a Church.qualified at the Islamic Theological Centre at Jalalabad, India under the directorship of our Ustaad and Spiritual Mentor, Hazrat Maulana Mohammed Masihullah Khan Sahib, I affirm support and loyalty to the Mujlisul Ulama of South Africa.





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