Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Haya is a branch of Imaan.” Haya (modesty/shame) is an integral attribute of Imaan. The healthier the Imaan, the more profound will be the quality of modesty / shame in the Mu’min. While the attribute of haya is common to both Muslim males and females – or should be common – it is the profoundest in Muslim women of Taqwa. In general, haya is a natural attribute of women of all nations and religions. However, extraneous circumstances and ways of life erode modesty and shame. The greatest threat to haya is western education. It utterly destroys every semblance of haya. Concomitant with haya is simplicity and innocence. The Qur’aan Majeed therefore describing Muslim women, says: “Verily, those who slander chaste, ghaafil (simple/innocent) Believing women, they are cursed in this world and the Aakhirah. For them is a great (terrible) punishment.” (An-Nur, aayat 23)
In this verse, pious, chaste Mu’minaat are described with the attribute, ghaafilaat. The word ghaafil refers to a person who is oblivious, careless, unmindful, negligent. In these meanings, the term is not a compliment. But as used in the Qur’aan to describe pious Mu’minaat, it is a compliment and a virtue. The pious Muslim woman who is truly a woman of Purdah, having Purdah in her heart, mind and eyes, and not restricted to the outer effects of the jilbaab and niqaab, is an embodiment of virtue and haya. She is a ‘simpleton’ and innocent, unwary of the immoral sophistication, loudness, audacity and immodesty which the ‘Muslim’ women of today’s secular institutions, denuded of Islamic morality publicly exhibit.
‘Muslim’ women who have been educated in western educational institutions – and females in girls madrasahs are not lagging far behind them – having jettisoned almost every vestige of their Imaani haya, surpass even non-Muslim women in the display of audacity and immodesty. The reason for their vile state of
shamelessness from the Islamic perspective is that all moral attributes have opposites. When the one is displaced, there is never a vacuum. The opposite sets in. When haya is eliminated, then immodesty and immorality overwhelm the one who at one stage was a repository of shame and modesty. The immodest woman then puts even males to shame. Muslim men of haya are constrained to adopt greater measures of hijaab to avoid the villainy of the ‘Muslim’ woman who has destroyed her natural and Imaani ‘haya’ . These are the types of women, defeminized and masculinized, who clamour for attending the Musaajid and Eidgah with men. They perennially demand to be shoulder to shoulder with males. Among their shaitaani attributes are an aversion for the home, detestation for domestic duties, inveterate
hatred for Shar’i hijaab, inordinate love for publicity and the public platform, selfexpression, loudness, robust in demeanour, and the desire to compete with males. In brief, they excel in almost everything which is the antithesis of Imaani haya and Muslim womanhood.
The quality of shame is such a lofty virtue of the Muslim woman that Allah Ta’ala highlights it in the Qur’aan. Describing the noble and beautiful demeanour of the daughter of Nabi Shuayb (alayhis salaam), the Qur’aan Majeed states: “Then one of the two (daughters of Nabi Shuayb) came to him (Nabi Musa) walking bashfully. She said: “Verily, my father calls you…….” (Al-Qasas, aayat 25)
Nabi Shuayb (alayhis salaam) who had no sons, sent one of his daughters to call Nabi Musa (alayhis salaam) who at the time was a wayfarer without home. She came walking very bashfully, and with lowered head from a respectable distance, delivered her father’s message. Hadhrat Musa (alayhis salaam) whose haya was profound, requested her to walk behind him at a distance. He told her to take a few pebbles. When he had to turn to the right on the way to the home of Nabi Shuayb (alayhis salaam) of which he was unaware, she was to throw a pebble towards the right, and the same if he had to turn left from the pathway. His haya and purdah
dictated that she should not direct him with her voice. This was the lofty degree of haya and hijaab. Now scale the immorality of the so-called
Muslim female broadcasters of the Devil’s radio stations on this standard of Haya. Thus, the Qur’aan Majeed makes special mention of the daughter’s haya, describing her walk with the term isthyaa’ which means bashfully. She was an embodiment of pure bashfulness and modesty. Once Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked Hadhrat Ali (radhiyallahu anhu): “What is best for a woman?” Hadhrat Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) was unable to answer. He said that he would ask his
wife, Hadhrat Faatimah (radhiyallahu anha). He went home and when he questioned Hadhrat Faatimah (radhiyallahu anha), she responded: “The best for a woman is that no man should see her, and she should see no man.” When Hadhrat Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) reported this wonderful response to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam), his (our Nabi’s) mubaarak face became radiant with pleasure and he delightfully exclaimed: “Faatimah is a part of me.”
The haya of Hadhrat Faatimah (radhiyallahu anha) was so lofty and so wonderful and so profound that her last wish and wasiyyat (bequest) became the Sunnah for all Muslim women until the Day of Qiyaamah. She instructed that on her death, despite the female’s body being draped with six shrouds, a purdah barrier be erected over her body to ensure that no male even accidentally casts a gaze on her wrapped up body. Furthermore, she instructed that she be buried in the darkness of the
night. This was an added measure of purdah dictated by her haya. Six shrouds covering the dead body, but still she ordered the erection of a barrier to conceal even her dead covered body. This Sunnah remains to this day when females are buried and will remain until the Day of Qiyaamah. All these shameless, loud, masculinized females who parade in the public, flaunting themselves to attract gazes and attention should reflect at the treatment which will be meted out to their dead bodies. The Sunnah of Hadhrat Faatimah (radhiyallahu anha) will be imposed on their dead bodies. Yet, whilst they are alive and when the fitnah is real, and the
fussaaq and fujjaar prevail, then these unfortunate females resort to the exhibitions of the era of Jaahiliyyah in flagrant violation if Allah’s prohibition: “And (O women!) remain resolutely within your homes, and do not make a display (of yourselves) like the exhibition of Jaahiliyyah (the pre-Islam era of immorality and ignorance).”
It is an incumbent obligation on all Muslim women to constantly reflect on Hadhrat Faatimah’s advice, attitude and actions – her response to Hadhrat Ali’s question; her noble dead body; her six shrouds of the kafan; her instruction to conceal her janaazah with a screen; her instruction to bury her in the intensity of night’s
darkness. If Muslim women meditate on this lofty concept of Hijaab presented to the Ummah’s females by the Queen of Jannat, then Allah Ta’ala will brighten their darkened souls and eliminate their spiritual blindness to enable them to understand the folly of their un-Islamic and anti-Hijaab clamours and their rowdyism. The western malady, namely, the inordinate crave for self-expression and exhibition, is the diametric antithesis of the Islamic concept of Haya and Hijaab. While Islam emphasizes haya and hijaab – shame/modesty and concealment – for its female adherents, the lewd cult of westernism considers immodesty and female exhibition
to be virtues and effects of ‘enlightenment’. The Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood (radhiyallahu anhu) as well as other Sahaabah, state: “Woman is aurah (i.e. an object of concealment). When she emerges (from her home), shaitaan casts surreptitious glances at her (i.e. he lies in ambush to involve her and men
in fitnah).”
Any moron so-called ‘Muslim’ woman who has an issue with this proclamation of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) should make arrangements for her abode in
Jahannum. Woman, according to the Qur’aan and Sunnah, is always an object of fitnah. This state should not be misconstrued and understood wrongly and satanically. The statement in no way means that woman is evil. It simply means that because of the evil nafs created by Allah Ta’ala in man and woman, both will
become embroiled in fitnah – moral turpitude leading to zina, if Islam’s strict code of Haya and Hijaab is not observed. Allah Ta’ala has created woman for the home role, not for the public stage. She moves in conflict and unnaturally when she takes to the public stage and the streets to rub shoulders with men and to compete with them in worldly and secular matters. This is just not the role for which Allah Ta’ala has moulded her. He has cast her into the mould of tinklets so that she remains a genuine female. She is not supposed to become a western masculinized hybrid feminine which displays male tendencies as do these modernist ‘Muslim’ females of the women’s lib. movement. Confirming the natural, weak and tender nature of women, the Qur’aan Majeed says: “…..One who is reared (brought up) in jewellery and who is unable to clearly express (herself) in debates (talks, arguments, disputes, etc.).” (Az-Zukhrif, aayat 18)
Allah Ta’ala states in this aayat that a female’s attention is generally focused on jewellery and garments. Her inherent attribute is the inability to be articulate in expression and even in thought. Hence Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) described woman as naaqisul aql (one whose intelligence is deficient). It is the
Qur’aan and Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) who made these statements and observations. The Creator is aware of His creation. The audacity and shamelessness with which the female Phd’s express themselves in male company do not negate what Allah Ta’ala says in the aforementioned aayat nor is the Hadith pertaining to their defective intelligence negated. Despite their audacity, and shameless ways of disputing and debating with men on the public stage, they remain naaqisaatul aql, hence men of intelligence clearly discern all the ghutha (rubbish) which their glib tongues disgorge.
The writings of the Phd aunts who profess to be Muslim, conspicuously display their stark jahaalat, lack of understanding of the issues they write on, and their intellectual incoherence. All of this betrays the mental turmoil in which they are buffeted. ‘Muslim’ women who abandon their haya and hijaab in order to march and vie with their fussaaq male instigators who incite the miscreant females to destroy their natural haya, should not befool themselves regarding their ultimate destiny. They dwell under the constant la’nat of Allah Azza Wa Jal, and the Hadith has described the terrible chastisements awaiting them in Jahannum. Destruction of Haya is a licence for blanket immorality.
Abdul Qaadir Essa
March 13, 2024Yahya
November 21, 2023kA
May Allah Ta’ala grant The Majlisul Ulama the highest stage in Jannah.
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In these difficult times The Majlis have been a source of comfort, protection and guidance .
January 2, 2024Majlisul Ulama
Aameen. May Allah Ta’ala grant the same for you.
January 9, 2024