Vol 26 – No 04 | The Majlis – Rajab 1443 / February 2022

The Majlis Volume 26 Number 04


Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“Verily, Allah Azza Wa Jal will say on the Day of Qiyaamah: ‘O Son of Aadam! I was sick and you did not visit Me.’ The person will say: ‘O my Rabb! How could I have visited You when you are Rabbul Aalameen?’ Allah Ta’ala will say: ‘Were you not aware that My certain servant was sick, but you did not visit him?  Did you not know that if you had visited him you would have found Me by him?’

‘O Son of Aadam! I asked  food from you, but you did not feed Me.’ The person will say:

‘O my Rabb! How could I feed You when you are Rabbul Aalameen.’ Allah Ta’ala will say: ‘Do you not know that My certain servant had asked food from you, but you did not feed him. Do you not know that if you had fed him, you would have found  that by Me?’

‘O Son of Aadam! I had asked water from you, but you had not given it to Me.’ The person will say: ‘O my Rabb! How could I have given You water to drink when You are Rabbul Aalameen?’ Allah Ta’ala will say: ‘My certain servant had asked you for water, but you had not given it to him. If you had given him water, you would have found that by Me.’ ”


FASTING the Month of Ramadhaan is a wonderful spiritual and physical remedy. Allah Ta’ala is the Creator of the Rooh (Soul) and the physical body, and He has designed all practices of Ibaadat for the welfare and development of both the soul and the body. Although the intention underlying Fasting is only to gain Allah’s Pleasure by fulfilling His Command, the Fasting comes with many health benefits.

An expert non-Muslim naturopath observed that the Islamic practice of Fasting a month is a wonderful health benefit, however, Muslims nullify the beneficial effects of the Fasting when they break their fast in the evening. They go overboard in reckless gluttony. This gluttony commences immediately at Iftaar. Instead of heeding Rasulullah’s advice and command of breaking the fast frugally, Muslims nowadays indulge in nauseating gluttony.

The gluttony begins with the commencement of the Athaan.  Elaborate meals are spread out in the Musaajid for anti-Sunnah and physically and spiritually ruinous feasting. The holy moments of Iftaar are treated as an occasion of haraam merrymaking. The fasting ones devour to the point of satiation or even more. Then generally they leave their mess on the Musjid carpets.

After Maghrib Salaat, they rush home for the ‘primary’ and main meal. It boggles the mind to fathom how they manage to locate space in their bellies for the deluge of the harmful foods they ingest after Maghrib. Then after Taraaweeh, commences another round of feasting with desserts, etc.

A human being should utilize his intelligence to understand the physical and spiritual villainy perpetrated to the body and soul by such reckless gluttony unknown to even dogs and the beasts in the jungle. The inevitable consequence of this style of horrible, nauseating gluttony is the ultimate breakdown of the physical body which becomes afflicted with many diseases, and the utter ruin of the Muslim’s spiritual fibre. In the wake of this self-destruction the evil nafs becomes bloated and remains in full control of the intelligence.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) ordered us to make iftaar with only dates and/or water. This exhortation is for practical implementation and has been designed by Allah Ta’ala for our all-round welfare.


Hadhrat Nabi Musaa (Alayhis salaam) said:

“(The ulama-e-soo’)  dress with the garb of Ruhbaan (Buzrugs/Aabideen) whilst  their hearts are  the hearts of swines and predatory wolves. If you desire  reaching the lofty spiritual  stages of the heavens, then kill your hearts for the sake of Allah Ta’ala.”

Commenting on this narration, Allaamah Najmuddin Al-Ghaziyy of the 10th Islamic century said: “Their hearts have been likened to the hearts of swines because of  their overwhelming carnal lust. They  traverse the precincts of halaal into haraam just as the lust of pigs dictates   consumption of filth. Their hearts have been likened (also) to the hearts of wolves  because of enmity, injustice and mischief.”

Salubrious advice for the ulama-e-soo’.


Q.  This time of the year (December) many Muslims go to camp at the beach. Even Ulama go for the camping. They perform Jumuah at the beach. Is this permissible?
A.  Firstly, camping at the beaches this time of the year is not permissible. This time of the year is the time for shaitaaniyaat and immorality. The beaches are evil places where Jumuah is not valid. The so-called ‘ulama’ who camp at these immoral venues at this time of the year are agents of Iblees. Never attend their mock beach-jumuah.

Q.  How much qiraa’t has to be recited after Surah Faatihah in Salaat?
A.  Reciting even one long aayat after Surah Faatihah will suffice. A long aayat is the size of Surah Kauthar. As long as the recited amount is not less than Surah Kauthar, it will be valid.

Q.  If the imam wants to wear the covid mask during Janaazah Salaat, what should we do?
A.  If the imam wears the niqaab of Iblees in Janaazah Salaat, do not join in the Salaat. The Wali of the mayyit should prevent  the scoundrel from acting as the imaam. Another person should be asked to lead the Salaat.

Q. Once the ink of a pen is finished, is it correct to only bury the refill and throw away the case/cover in which the refill was?
No, it is not proper to throw the casing of the pen into the bin. Bury the whole pen. The whole pen was an instrument of Ilm.

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