The following Istifta’ (questionnaire) was submitted to Mufti Taqi Uthmani:

Is it permissible to take the corona vaccination? Is it incumbent for the government to compel everyone to submit to vaccination? What if someone acquires a fake vaccination certificate?

Mufti Taqi’s Response

While a fatwa was requested, Mufti Taqi Sahib merely made some comments in his statement camouflaged as a fatwa. His statement is not a fatwa. The one who posed the question remains in the same darkness in which he was at the beginning.

In his response to the question of permissibility or impermissibility of the covid/corona vaccination, Mufti Taqi Uthmani stated: 

“It is permissible per se to use any halaal medicine or food as a precaution against sickness on condition that at the time (of its use) no haraam and impure substance had been added. Regarding the corona vaccine, if it is not established by means of some reliable source that it is contaminated with impure substances nor is its harm for the health been confirmed by reliable medical research or by compelling presumption (zann-e-ghaalib) nor is there solid evidence that it is being used for an unlawful objective, then taking the vaccine will be permissible according to the Shariah although not incumbent.”

Our Comment

The aforementioned averment is typical of Zig Zag muftis whose liberal and misleading   ‘fatwas’ are the effects of dubious and even sinister agendas. That halaal medicine uncontaminated with haraam substances is permissible, is known to every Muslim, even to the most ignorant one. 

The one who had posed the question is aware that halaal and pure substances are halaal and permissible. His question does not pertain to pure substances. The question relates directly to the satanic covid/corona vaccine and the satanic vaccination methodology of the atheists.

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