A Brother from the UK writes:
There is very likely to be a sinister element to the sudden withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. The questions that automatically come to mind are why now, and why all of a sudden, and why the suspiciously open drama on this saga in the carefully controlled Kuffaar media?
In regards to the element of the Nusrat of Allah, the Taliban today are, without doubt, far more liberal and modernized than the Mullahs who had defeated the Russians, and (in many ways) even the Taliban from whom Allah Ta’ala had snatched sovereignty via the American barbarians.
I have hardly kept myself abreast of what’s been going on, but the little I have heard is extremely disturbing to say the least. One Molvi could barely contain his excitement as he informed me recently about how much more media savvy (i.e. the art of showboating snouts on Dajjal’s eye) this new Taliban group is, and some of the “positive” assurances they have been giving to the world at large. Much of it is very concerning. In particular, their pathetic attempts at appeasing the kuffaar regarding women’s emancipation, including giving assurances of allowing women to attend universities (albeit “segregated), is nothing short of satanic. Their open and seemingly sincere dalliance with the Chinese Kuffaar savages is a brutal stab in the hearts of millions of oppressed Chinese Muslims. And, there are other examples of statements, worryingly too many, issued by this new group of Taliban, the tone of which makes it difficult for them to be dismissed as merely “hikmah”, such is the apparent sincerity and passion behind these servile and futile attempts at appeasement of a breed who will never be pleased with us.
I hope my sentiments are proven to be wrong, but I am finding it increasingly difficult to dismiss the disconcerting rankling in my heart that the whole scenario of the sudden (and surely strategic) withdrawal of American troops is akin to a sudden drop in the ocean tide which opens the way for the still-distant tidal wave whose dark shadow is beginning to silhouette the horizon.
As I have said before, I have not really kept myself abreast of recent news, almost all of which is carefully prepared by the cabal who currently are at the helm of world affairs, so I might be missing the mark completely.
(End of letter)
All the concerns raised by the Brother are valid. We share these concerns with him. The near future will, Insha-Allah, reveal the reality and expose any treachery which the new brand ‘Taliban’ may be practicing. Insha-Allah, we shall comment in greater detail within coming days.
17 Muharram 1443 – 26 August 2023