A Sister whom Allah Ta’ala has saved by extricating her from the shaitaani clutches and traps of the sorcerers conducting ‘therapies’ under Deeni guise such as Body Talk, Aafiyah and the like, writes:
When the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency of the U.S.A.) did a study of cults and secret societies they found that ONE THING common among these cults and secret societies from Kabbalah to Hermeticism, Free Masonry to Hellenism and even the deviated sufi cults, is their obsession with activating the Pineal Gland and Opening the third eye.
The third eye (also called the mind’s eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye, usually depicted as located on the forehead, which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. (Wikipedia)
So HOW does one do this?
I am listing these methods because many of them are trending and being practiced my Muslims. Often promoted by coaches and those in the pop psychology and modern spirituality industry.
- yoga
- hypnosis
- meditation
- guided meditation
- breath work/ breathing with intention
- opening one’s Chakras
- spinning or shaking
……………………. (End of extracts from her letter)
Iblees has harnessed these ‘therapists’ who are sorcerers and witches, into his conspiracy of converting people, especially Muslims, into Satanists. The immediate villainous consequence of these Body Talk/Aafiyah shaitaaniyat is enmity between husband and wife. The marriage completely breaks down. The Qur’aan Majeed, referring to this speciality of the Satanist sorcerers and witches, says:
“They learnt from the two (Haarut and Maarut) that which caused dissension between a man and his wife………. They learnt only that (i.e. (satanism) which harmed them, and did not benefit them.” (Al-Baqarah, Aayat 103)
Numerous Muslim women have become entrapped by Iblees into the sorcery cults practiced by the sorcerers and witches posing as ‘therapists’. We are aware of many cases of marriages breaking down as a direct consequence of wives having become ensnared in the devil’s tentacles via the agents of Iblees, the cultist ‘therapists’.
After being subjected to satanic brain washing and heart washing, the woman develops an intense hatred for her husband. This hatred is extended to other members of the family who are considered by the trapped woman to be deviates.
Muslims, especially women who have become easy prey for the villainous ‘therapists’, should beware. Do not approach near to these human devils. You will lose your Imaan and your family. Both your dunya and Aakhirah will be ruined by entanglement with the cults of Iblees.
Cults such as Body Talk and Aafiyah are HARAAM. These cults are traps of Iblees, so BEWARE!
8 Rajab 1442 – 20 February 2024