Crimes against Humanity | Part 1|

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Very important, information & legal action

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Corona Class Action International Lawsuit.

Crimes Against Humanity.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee.

In this video he is describing how there is no legal doubt about the possibility of a class action lawsuit against those responsible for the lockdowns.

From the local level all the way to the WHO and many pharma companies in between.

Since we received many requests from people on how to get involved and how to get help in starting their lawsuits against the coronavirus restrictions, here is Dr. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s website: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. It is available only in German, but you can contact him via phone or email here(

Also you may join the effort by linking to Corona Schadensersatzklage.


Hello, I am Reiner Fuellmich, and I have been admitted to the bar in Germany and in California for 26 years. I have been practicing law primarily as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations such as Deutsche Bank, formerly one of the world’s largest and most respected banks, today, one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world, VW, one of the world’s largest and most respected car manufacturers, today notorious for its giant diesel fraud. And Kuehne and Nagel, the world’s largest shipping company, we’re suing them in a multi million dollar bribery case.

I’m also one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee since July 10th, 2020, this committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists and experts testimony to find answers to questions about the current crisis, which more and more people worldwide are asking. All the above mentioned cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison in view of the extent of the damage that the current crisis has caused and continues to cause. This Corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a Corona scandal, and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages.

On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas. And for this reason, I will now explain to you how and where an international network of lawyers will argue this biggest tort case ever, the Corona fraud scandal, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.

Crimes against humanity, were first defined in connection with the Nuremberg trials after World War II, that is, when they dealt with the main war criminals of the Third Reich. Crimes against humanity are today regulated in Section-7 of the International Criminal Code. The three major questions to be answered in the context of a judicial approach to the Corona scandal are: 1) Is there a Corona pandemic or is there only a PCR test pandemic? Specifically, does a positive PCR test result mean that the person tested is infected with covid-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the covid-19 infection?


2) Do the so-called anti Corona measures, such as the lockdown, mandatory face masks, social distancing and quarantine regulations serve to protect the world’s population from Corona, or do these measures serve only to make people panic so that they believe without asking any questions, that their lives are in danger, so that in the end the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints.

And, 3) Is it true that the German government was massively lobbied more so than any other country by the chief protagonists of this so-called Corona pandemic, Mr. Drosten, virologist at Charité Hospital in Berlin. Mr. Wieler, veterinarian and head of the German equivalent of the CDC, the RKI, and Mr. Tedros, head of the World Health Organization, or WHO, because of Germany is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world, for its strict and of course, successful adherence to the Corona measures? Answers to these three questions are urgently needed because the allegedly new and highly dangerous coronavirus has not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world and certainly not here in Germany. But the anti Corona measures whose only bases the PCR test results, which are in turn all based on the German Drosten test, have in the meantime caused the loss of innumerable human lives and have destroyed the economic existence of countless companies and individuals worldwide End.

(Dr. Reiner Fuellmich) 
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