“Say (O Muhammad): ‘O you kaafiroon! I do not worship that (atheists and idols) which you worship. And you do not worship what I worship. And I do not (and shall not) worship what you worship. For you is your religion (of atheism to bootlick), and for me is my (glittering) Deen.’ ” (Surah Kaafiroon)
“No person will die except at the appointed time with the permission of Allah.” (Qur’aan)
“Whatever calamity befalls you, is on account of what your hands have wrought. And He forgives in abundance (your transgressions).” (Qur’aan)
This pandemic of satanic fear has sifted out the people of nifaaq and kufr from the People of Imaan. While the people of Imaan follow the Qur’aan and Sunnah, the cartel of bootlicking munaafiqeen follow the kufr theories of the atheists.
These minaafiqeen bootlickers satanically use Qur’aan and hadith to “prove” veracity for the Satanism of the atheists. They grovel in the gutters to find Hadith proof for the kufr ideologies of the atheists.
The camel has to be tied only within the fetters of the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Beyond these limits is kufr.
“These are the limits of Allah. Whoever transgresses these limits verily he has oppressed his own soul.”
Turn the pages of history to see and understand how our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and the Sahabah had tied the camel in the plague of Madinah and in the plague of Amwaas.
The plague moves, assaults and kills by Allah’s Command. No one can flee from Maut. While the ideology of the atheists advocates flight from the sick who are in need, Islam commands visiting and aiding the sick – not abandoning them as the theories of the Satanists demand. Cowardice is integral to kufr and nifaaq, hence they abandon even their aged parents believing that maintaining a distance will save them from Maut.
The Munaafiqeen should search for themselves another religion and cease masquerading as Muslims. There is no space in Islam for these bootlicking munaafiqeen. These munaafiqeen are the slaves of the atheists who wallow in janaabat and kufr. They follow and lick these atheists right into the “lizard’s hole”, while the Mu’mineen follow the pure and holy ta’leem of the Qur’aan and Sunnah besides which there is no other directive for us. Our Pathway is bright and glittering, leading to Jannat whereas there is nothing but darkness and Divine Wrath for the Munaafiqeen who cherish an inveterate aversion for Salaat, for the Musaajid and for Islam. Like Iblees, they abhor Sujood. Iblees is their guide in abstention from Salaat and the Musjid. Our Abodes of Rahmat are the Musaajid, while the abodes of La’nat for the Munaafiqeen are the malls of the atheists whose boots they lick night and day. The La’nat of Allah and His Malaaikah are on them.
Increase Istighfaar, Durood Shareef and Kalimah Tayyibah. Keep the focus on Allah Ta’ala.
May Allah Ta’ala take us from this dunya with our Imaan intact. Aameen!
15 Zil Qa’dh 1441 – 7 July 2024