Is it permissible for healthy Muslims to abandon Jumuah and Jamaa’ah for the fear of the corona disease?
By the taufeeq of Allah!
Firstly: During real fear for the enemy in battle in the Path of Allah, Jamaa’ah (Jamaat Salaat) is not waived. How then can Jumuah and Jamaa’ah be abandoned on account of fear for a suspected disease?
Secondly: The cause for these epidemics and diseases is sin and transgression. Allah Ta’ala says (in the Qur’aan): “Whatever calamity befalls you, is the consequence of the perpetration of your hands.”
And Allah, The One Who is Mighty and Aware says: “Corruption has appeared on the land and the ocean on account of (the misdeeds) committed by the hands of people so that He gives them to taste something of what they perpetrated, for perhaps they will return (to the Path of Rectitude).”
Allah has explained that the remedy is to return to Allah with repentance and seeking forgiveness (Taubah and Istighfaar), Tilaawat and Dua. The remedy is not in the abandonment of some acts which Allah has made incumbent us, namely Jumuah and Jamaa’ah.
Thirdly: Allah Ta’ala says: “No calamity will befall on the earth nor upon you except that which (has been recorded) in the Book even before We create it.”
“Even if you were in your homes, those for whom death has been decreed would emerge and go to their places of his death.”
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Know that even if all mankind unites to benefit you, they will be able to do only that which Allah has ordained for you. And, if they unite to harm you, they will be able to do only Allah has decreed for you.” (Ahmad and Tirmizi)
Thus, our Imaan is on Qadha and Qadr (in whatever Allah has ordained for us). We repose Tawakkul (Trust) on Allah Jalla wa Alaa. Has He not prohibited us from abandoning whatever He has compulsorily imposed on us, namely Jumuah Salaat and Jamaa’ah, for the fear of disease, etc.?
Fourthly: Has Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) not informed of the measure to be adopted relevant to a plague, and that it is not permissible to enter a region where there is a plague, and not to flee from such a place? Did he mention abandonment of Jamaat Salaat in such a place?
Fifthly: A plague had erupted during the khilaafat of Umar Bin Khattaab (Radhiyallahu anhu). H consulted in this regard with the Muhaajireen, then with the Ansaar……Did they abandon Jumuah and Jamaa’ah because of it (the plague)?
Sixthly: Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala says: “Seek aid by means of Sabr and Salaat.” What, is this Istiaanah (seeking help) by means of establishing Salaat in the Musjid as was the practice of Nabi (Alahis salaam) or was it by abandoning Jumuah and Jama’aat?
Seventhly: Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Whoever performs Subuh (Fajr) in Jamaa’ah, he is in the responsibility (and protection) of Allah.” Is it not sufficient for us to be in the responsibility of Allah? “Is Allah not sufficient for His servant?”
Eighthly: When Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) had not granted permission to the blind man to be absent (from Jamaat Salaat) despite him not having someone to guide him, and despite the abundance of wild animals in Madinah, then how can a healthy person be permitted to abstain from Jamaat merely for the fear of the disease?
Ninthly: Whenever Rasulullah feared something, he would hasten to the Musjid. How then can we abandon Jumuah Salaat and Jamaa’ah for fear of corona?
Tenthly: There was in every Islamic city one Jaami’ Musjid where all the people gathered to perform Jumuah, and epidemics and plagues would befall Muslims. Did any of the Ulama of Islam ever issue the fatwa throughout the history (of Islam) to close and lock the Musaajid because of an epidemic or plague?
28 Rajab 1441 – 23 March 2024