“Most certainly, We shall cause them to taste from the lesser punishment, not the greater punishment, for perhaps they will return (to the Path of Rectitude). And, who is more unjust than the one who turns away from the Signs of his Rabb when these are narrated to him? Verily, We shall extract vengeance from the criminals.”

(As-Sajdah, Aayat 21)

Only those whose brains and hearts are convoluted with kufr will deny the irrefutable reality of the swarms of insects which had settled on Makkah, including Musjidul Haraam, being an Athaab of Allah.

The Qur’aan Majeed says:

“And, none knows of the armies of your Rabb except He.”

(Al-Muddathir, Aayat 31)

This occurrence is Divine Chastisement in small measure. It is a warning to jolt the kuffaar inhabitants of Saudi Arabia of the impending great punishment which will obliterate them all if they  refuse to heed this warning and refuse to  repent and adopt  the Path of Rectitude.  They should understand that: “Never will you find for the Way of Allah a change.” When nations of bygone times intransigently and rebelliously resolved to plod the path of villainy and treachery, sin and transgression, then Allah’s Athaab descended in a variety of forms to eliminate the transgressing nations. The same is in the divine pipeline for the kufr regime and the kuffaar inhabitants of Saudi Arabia.

The regime and the vast majority of Saudis have abolished Islam and taken the ideology of the western kuffaar. These Saudi criminals will not escape Divine Wrath and Divine Curse. Allah Ta’ala warns in the Qur’aan Majeed of vengeance which He will extract from these criminals.

Compared to the swarms of insects which had plagued Fir’oun and his people, the swams which have descended on Makkah are miniscule. Allah Ta’ala grants leeway and much rope. If the warning is not heeded, they will rue the days they were born.

The kuffaar concern to discover the causes to which this phenomenon can be attributed are silly and futile from the Islamic perspective.  The swarms of insects have now been eliminated, NOT by the measures undertaken by the municipality of Makkah, but by the decree of Allah Azza Wa Jal. Understand well, that every occurrence and operation in the universe runs its course by Allah’s decree and command. The Qur’aan Majeed states:

“By Him are the Keys of the Ghaib (whatever is unseen and unknown to us is the Ghaib), No one, but He knows it. And, He is aware of what is in the ocean and on the earth. Not a leaf drops (from a tree) but he is aware. There is not a seed in the darkness of the earth (underground) nor anything moist or dry, but it is recorded in a Clear Book.”

(Al-An’aam, Aayat 51)

“Nothing is hidden from your Rabb of the tiniest speck neither in the earth nor in the heaven, nor anything smaller nor bigger, but it is recorded in a Clear Book.”    (Yoonus, Aayat 61)

The mulhideen and zanaadiqah of the kufr Saudi regime should not feel snug in the deception that the municipality has succeeded in eliminating the swarms of insects. The termination of the Divine Operation was a decreed event. Its termination is respite granted to the evil populace and kufr regime of Saudi Arabia. These insects were merely the initiation of the process of Divine Punishment. Great upheavals are destined to follow. It will then be too late for regret and even repentance will then not avail.

7 Jamaadil Ula 1440 -14 January 2019


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