In an opinion expressed by Mufti Mackoojee of the Halaal Research Committee of Mauritius, the view of permissibility of stunning with the consequence of halaal meat is propounded in stark contravention of the Shariah.

The Mufti says:  “The Halaal Research Committee on the other hand, have (has) the moderation to accept stunning.” The ground for its wholehearted acceptance of the haraam and brutal method of stunning animals, is stated by the Mufti to be: “Because it simply conforms to the Qur-aan and Sunnah.”

The Mufti has displayed lamentable ignorance of the Qur’aan and Sunnah. It is incredible for a Mufti to portray such gross jahaalat of the divine system of Thabah as to baselessly and falsely attribute a brazen lie to the Shariah by claiming that the brutal kuffaar stunning method conforms to the Qur’aan and Sunnah. He has not presented a single nass from the Qur’aan, Ahaadith or from the statements of the Fuqaha and our Akaabir Ulama to substantiate the satanically baatil claim of the satanic method of stunning conforming to the Qur’aan and Sunnah.

Far, extremely far from the Qur’aan and Sunnah, according to Hakimul Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Rahmatullah alayh), stunning while being haraam, is tantamount to kufr if approved and believed to be a valid and a virtuous system. Relative to Mufti Mackoojee, he is guilty of kufr on the basis of his tahseen (approval) of this kuffaar shaitaani method. To the best of our knowledge, not even the vile halaal certificate cartel comprising of SANHA, MJC, NIHT, etc., has made tahseen of stunning. For the sake of perpetuating the flow of the boodle into their haraam coffers, the cartel has reluctantly accepted the method without believing it to conform with the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Thus, whilst these carrion halaalizers are committing blatant haraam, Mufti Mackoojee is guilty of blatant kufr by making tahseen of a kuffaar method which is in stark conflict with the method revealed to Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) by Allah Azza Wa Jal. We therefore urge the Mufti to retract his baatil view, to renew his Imaan and to make Taubah for the kufr which he has attempted to pass off as a Shar’i injunction – as a hukm ordered by the Shariah.

The poor mufti, despite claiming conformity with the Qur’aan and Sunnah, is constrained to admit the possibility of the stunned  animals  perishing prior to Thabah, hence he says: “Nonetheless, if the animal is found dead after stunning, then it is a carrion and a carcass and hence haraam. Slaughtering it will not render it halaal.”

What has constrained the mufti to concede the possibility of stunning leading to the death of the animal? No one should labour under the deception or misapprehension regarding this fact – namely, that innumerable animals perish after stunning. Expert slaughterers have confirmed it. Besides confirmation by inspections of a variety of people and organizations, the simple reality is that it is haraam according to the Shariah to inflict any kind of injury on the animal prior to Thabah. Denial of this fact is kufr – kufr which expels from the fold of Islam.

What was the shaitaaniyat or the nafsaaniyat which has influenced this mufti to shove a satanic, brutal kuffaar method into the Islamic system of Thabah? He has attempted to shove into the Shariah the cruel bid’ah of stunning. After more than 14 centuries of the Shariah’s history, we believe that this is the first satanic attempt to grant Qur’aanic and Sunnah status to a method of Iblees. Hitherto, all those who have, for the sake of monetary gain, accepted stunned animals for Thabah, have done so reluctantly whilst accepting the method to be un-Islamic.

Not a single one of the many ibaaraat (texts from the kutub) cited by the Mufti has any relevance to stunning.  Not a single iota of condonation percolates from the quoted texts which all refer to an injured animal being slaughtered whilst still alive. The texts nowhere legalize pre-slaughter infliction of injury, which is Haraam according to the Ijma’ of all the Fuqaha of all Math-habs. If an injured animal is found alive and slaughtered whilst alive, then its meat will be halaal. This is not the issue. The issue for which the mufti issued his convoluted baatil ‘fatwa’ is stunning – the infliction of injury before slaughter, and this is practiced on a massive scale. It is integral to the kuffaar system of killing animals. It is a kaafir method on which the mufti has satanically attempted to bestow Qur’aanic and Sunnah status. In other words, it is a great act of thawaab to stun, main, injure and brutalize an animal before slaughtering it. This is a satanic view emerging from a brain jarred by shaitaani influence. Even a child will understand the villainy of this shaitaani brutality if shown to him.

The mufti should understand that simply lumping together Arabic texts which have no relevance to the subject matter is not adequate for securing the objective of deceiving even the ignorant and unwary masses. It is exceptionally naïve to believe that such stupid citation from the kutub will pass the discernment of the Ulama. He has not displayed any erudition in the field of Shar’i Uloom with his nonsensical citations. We advise him to acquire expertise in Fiqh under qualified and superb supervision to enable him to understand and distinguish between valid citation and ghutha.

In the conclusion of his erroneous production of unrelated texts from the kutub, Mackoojee produces the text from Shaami. Translating the text, he says:

“And the preferred view is that any (consumable) animal that is slaughtered when it is still alive, then it will be eaten (halaal). And Fatwa is on this view. (This is because the ayah above mentioned) “unless you have slaughtered it”, is mentioned without any attached conditions.”

There is no contention and no dispute regarding this mas’alah according to the Hanafi Math-hab. An injured animal will be halaal if slaughtered whilst it is still alive.  There is, however, difference of opinion of other Math-habs as well as among the Hanafi Fuqaha on even this mas’alah. Nevertheless, the Mukhtaar view is on permissibility. But this has no relevance to the claim of permissibility of Satanism, namely, stunning is permissible, and furthermore, not only permissible, but an act of thawaab in view of it allegedly conforming to the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Under no circumstances is shaitaaniyat permissible. Leave alone it being Sunnah and supported by the Qur’aan. Something is drastically incongruent with the thinking process of Mackoojee.

The Qur’aanic aayat from which this lost mufti seeks to extravasate capital and support for his absolutely baatil view, is Aayat 145 of Surah’ An’aam. This Aayat very clearly states that the following types of animals will be haraam except if slaughtered whilst they are still alive:

  • Al-Munkhaniqah  - An animal which has been throttled to death
  • Al-Mauqoothah    - An animal beaten to death
  • Al-Mutaraddiyah  - An animal which dies after falling from a height
  • An-Nateehah - An animal gored to death by another animal
  • Ma-akals sabu’u’ - An Animal which died after being eaten by another animal.

After mentioning the hurmat of these animals which have died as a consequence of different forms of injuries, the Qur’aan Majeed states:“Except that which you slaughter (make thabah)”. i.e. You find them with rooh (i.e. alive), then you make thabah of them.” This is thetafseer of the Aayat. It is ludicrous and moronic to claim on the basis of the permissibility of effecting thabah to an injured animal, that the  infliction of the act of injury is  permissible, and not only permissible, but an act of merit and thawaab since it is hallucinated to be in conformity with the Qur’aan and Sunnah.

The Qur’aan states that the meat is halaal if an injured animal is slaughtered whilst it is alive. It does not say that the infliction of the injuries of throttling, beating the animal, casting the animal from a height, having the animal gored by another animal, and having an animal partly eaten by another animal is halaal. Infliction of pre-slaughter injury is haraam. But Mackoojee claims on the basis of this Aayat that the haraam act of stunning is a halaal, Sunnah act of merit. Wala houla….

In a piece of stupid advice to the cartel of carrion halaaizers, this mufti says:

“Halaal monitoring organizations should verify the stunning to be to norm to keep the animal alive at slaughtering time.”

In the pursuit for the boodle objective, he has proffered this silly advice.  Millions of animals are daily slaughtered all over the world by the shaitaan’s system of killing. It is humanly impossible to supervise the system effectively and adequately. It is impossible – a total impossibility – to ascertain if each and every one of the  millions – tens of millions – of animals  is alive at the point of slaughter.

Stunning kills, but the followers of Iblees are in denial.

Stating his vote of no confidence in Allah’s system of Thabah, this wayward mufti alleges:

“For security of the slaughter man and to limit the uncontrolled damage after slaughtering, there is the need of stunning. Stunning is to electrically numb the chicken or to hurt the bull in the head so as to limit its struggle for its life during and after slaughtering.”

He must shame himself and get lost on some island or in some jungle to hide his shame for the kufr with which this statement is impregnated. He has implied that Allah Ta’ala has given us an imperfect system of Thabah which needs to be complemented with the ways of the kuffaar. He implies that, Nauthubillaah – Allah Ta’ala has missed out some vital elements from the Islamic system of Thabah,hence the “uncontrolled damage after slaughtering”, i.e. damage in the wake of the pure Islamic system of slaughter. The mufti’s jahaalathas blinded him to the kufr which he has disgorged for halaalizing a system of killing described by Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) as:Shareetatush Shaitaan (the slaughter of the devil).

Shar’i Thabah is among the Shi-aar (Salient Features) of Islam. Any system at variance with this divine system is Shareetatush Shaitaan.

Then the luckless soul avers that stunning as practiced on bulls is merely some ‘hurt’ caused to “limit its struggle”.  Did Mackoojee ever see bulls being stunned? It is not a little ‘hurt’ caused to the bull. A metal bolt is savagely shot into the skull of the bull. It smashes the skull and the brains of the bull. The bull instantaneously drops in the pen, and will perish in minutes or even in seconds. There is absolutely no return to life for such brutalized bulls. The injury inflicted so barbarically assures the death of the bull. There is absolutely no recovery from this fatal injury, hence in terms of the other Math-habs as well as the Hanafi Math-hab, the meat will be haraam. In terms of the other Math-habs, the meat will be haraam since the animal is mortally injured and its death will be attributed to the injury, not to Thabah.  According to the Hanafi Math-hab, there is no certitude that the bulls are alive at the time of slaughter.

And, besides the issue of the bulls being alive or dead, of crucial importance is the hurmat of replacing the Islamic system of Thabah withShareetatush Shaitaan. A healthy Imaan cannot tolerate consuming the product of Shareetatush Shaitaan.

The mufti has committed compound stupidity by elevating the devil’s system to Qur’aanic and Sunnah status. Such stupidity has constrained him to issue a ‘fatwa’ which is unadulterated kufr. The meat of all stunned animals is haraam. May Allah Ta’ala guide us all and keep us on Siraatul Mustaqeem until the very end of life.

19 Rabiyuth Thaani 1440 (27 December 2023)


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