We reproduce verbatim a letter from Dawood Ahmed Vawda of Parlock, Durban who had personally visited Rajistan.
“Aslmlykm w w.
Hope you are well.
I am very pleased to note yourself and Mln. Ilyaas Shb. are going personally to India to verify first hand Qurbaanee in Rajasthan.
I have been there personally on more than one occasion.
I was offered R100 for myself personally per animal.
On my first visit I climbed the mountains on the Mewat Haryana side bordering Rajasthan.
Animals were not Shareeah compliant.
I didn’t accept.
When I told them I want to witness Qurbaanee personally they made excuses of me being a foreigner etc etc.
I left them after midnight in mid winter and performed Qurbaanee elsewhere ending paying extra but I was at ease.
Please take a note book and make notes.
This is Amaanat.
I could be a billionaire today.
Alhmdlh Ta’aalaa I got saved and intend to save others for the pleasure of Allawh Ta’aalaa.
If you can get information about the area where the Qurbaanee will be done will be appreciated.
Name of village and District.
Name of people in charge and contact details.
Generally ikraam is made excessively and attention is diverted.
Make notes from the time of arrival and always get names and numbers of all the people you meet and what role they play.
Get information from where animals were bought.
Names and numbers.
Please insist to see all animals and also insist to meet the local senior Ulamaa of the areas you go to.
Last year a senior Aalim chose animals and paid for it. Not R160. More than that.
Nevertheless another Aalim went to purchase from the same person and he sold him the same animals he had sold to the other Aalim.
He was informed and after many court cases etc the money was refunded.
This is normal with traders.
Another aspect is that Qurbaanee of all is not made. Also become normal.
Another aspect is wastage of meat.
For Madrasahs a lot of importance is given to the skin.
They sell at a very good price.
If you need more information you welcome to meet and discuss.
When is your departure.
Please share this information will Hazrat Mln. Ilyaas Shb. Desai D. B.
Jzkmlwh khair. Khaadim, Daawood Ahmud Vawda, Parlock”
2 Zil Hajj 1438 (24 August 2023)