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A Brother writes:

A Moulana from Rajasthan tells me this same story every year when it comes to Qurbani/Udhiyyah.

He says that there is no one who can make Udhiyyah in Rajasthan as he is from that region and he himself and his family cannot slaughter cows moreso now with the kaafir Modi government.

He has told me this claim of Udhiyyah in Rajasthan is a fraud. He said no one seems to want to highlight or talk about it except the Mujlisul Ulama.


He has said it is indeed said to see this taking place and no one even bats an eyelid.


The Moulana has said that many people fall into this trap. He also wants to see these organisations audited by an independent auditor like KPMG. He has added, who pays for the flights and hotel accommodation.

(End of letter)

There are a number of Bogus qur’baani vendors operating in the field. Do not assign your Qur’baani obligation to just any Tom, Dick and Harry. While Qur’baani will take place in South India where the vast majority of the population does not follow the same villainous school of thought of the Modi government, Rajisthan is not a region for Qur’baani. It is out of bounds. Muslims in Rajisthan will be murdered if they slaughter animals there.


Furthermore, the price of R160 per share or R1,120 for a buffalo is ridiculous. It is necessary for some persons from South Africa to go to Rajisthan to ascertain the reality of the situation. Last year some brothers who had gone to Rajisthan established that the Rajisthan ‘qur’baani’ project was BOGUS.

15 Zil Qa’dh 1438 (8 August 2024)


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