18 Shawwaal 1438 – 13 July 2024
JAHEZ is the haraam system of the bride and her family having to pay exorbitant ‘dowry’ to the groom. It is a brutal and murderous opposite of the Shariah’s system of Mahr which the man is required to pay to his bride. Jahez is literally a system which leads to killing of the bride and in some cases to the bride committing suicide. It is not known from which Shaitaan have Muslims in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka inherited this barbaric system with regard to which 99.9% of the Ulama in those lands being mute and absolute “DUMB DEVILS”,
This satanic system is so entrenched in the life fabric of Muslim societies of these lands, that it is condoned by even the senior Ulama. The suffering of Muslims in these lands at the hands of the idol-worshipping and cow-worshipping Hindus is therefore not surprising. Perhaps here and there may be heard an isolated whisper of criticism emanating from some Aalim. The evil Jahez system is so terribly ingrained in every capillary of the population that even the secular governments are impotent. They have miserably failed to eradicate this abominable system of satanism.
This barbaric system requires the payment of assets – property, cash, furniture, appliances, motorbikes, vehicles, jewellery, etc., etc., by the bride’s family to the bridegroom’s family. If the Jahez requirement has not been fulfilled, the bride is subjected to great physical and mental abuse. Frequently the bride is murdered, and in some cases, the woman commits suicide to escape the torture of her husband and in-laws. Even in so-called respectable and cultured families, while the bride will not be killed, the custom of Jahez is considered ‘waajib’. It exists even in the homes of Ulama.
Aborting female foetuses is another savage crime and by-product which is perpetrated by the parents of a woman. If by means of modern technology the gender of the foetus is ascertained to be female, the baby is aborted – brutally murdered – to avoid paying the jahez in later years. It is akin to the pre-Islam custom of infanticide practised by the Arab mushrikeen who would bury alive their female babies.
Jahez is the worst form of savage banditry and extortion which has been accorded acceptability and respectability in the societies of these lands. The demands of this system of brutal banditry continues even after the initial Jahez has been paid.
In NA-Pakistan (the Impure Land) which has a preponderance of ulama-e-soo’, annually 2000 brides are murdered, yet the ulama have deliberately opted to remain deaf, dumb and blind. In India about 8,000 such murders are committed every year.
How is it ever possible for a nation to prosper and lead when the morality of the people is so rotten and savage as to condone the murderous custom of Jahez, and even the brutal killing of brides for their inability to satisfy in haraam ways the inordinate satanic greed of their in-laws? There are no words which can adequately describe the zulm of these people and the savagery stemming in the wake of this satanic custom.
An occasional whisper by an Aalim does not discharge the obligation of Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahyi Anil Munkar which the sacred Office of Nubuwwat has placed on the shoulders of the Ulama who are supposed to be the Heirs of the Ambiya (Alayhimus salaam). Both the Ulama and the secular government have terribly failed and abandoned their obligation of eradicating this barbaric system.
While the reluctance to act of the secular kuffaar governments of NA-Pakistan and Bangladesh is understandable, the silence of the Ulama is intolerable and lamentable. There is no justification for abstention from Amr Bil Ma’roof. The secular authorities deem it prudent to appease the juhala masses by refraining from embarking on a policy of eradicating the evil. But what has happened to the Ulama. It is their obligation to initiate an educational and da’wat campaign for the elimination of this savagery which the Ulama are condoning with their silence which is interpreted by the masses as acceptance and validity of the system.
In NA-Pakistan the government, to appease the demands of the U.S.A., has embarked on a vicious and cruel programme of forced-immunization. People in even the remote countryside are forcefully vaccinated. Heavy fines and jail sentences are meted out to those who refuse to submit to the haraam vaccination ordered by the U.S. master. Yet, no measures are introduced to eradicate the haraam Jahezsavagery.
The western enemies of Islam, are swift in attributing this barbaric system to Islam despite being fully aware that there is not the slightest affinity between Islam and this evil custom prevalent in the tribal societies of these countries since time immemorial. The deafening silence of the Ulama serves as silent support for the propaganda of the West against Islam. The silence and apathy of the Ulama are the effects of their desire to appease the juhala. The Qur’aan commands the Ulama to fear only Allah Ta’ala, and to proclaim the Haqq regardless of the displeasure and annoyance of the people. Allah Ta’ala commands:
“Do not fear the people. Fear ME, and do not trade My Aaayaat (Laws/Shariah) for a miserable price).”