The consequence of sin and transgression against Allah’s laws is not restricted to the Aakhirat. The effects of sin are not only spiritual. Allah Ta’ala Who has created us is well aware of the harms and damage which certain acts cause to us both physically and spiritually. Thus, every prohibition and command ordained by Allah Azza Wa Jal have been designed for our own safety, benefit and health of both worlds – this dunya and the Aakhirat.
For example, neglecting the Masnoon method of Wudhu, over-eating, abstention from haraam and mushtabah food, covering utensils, even if empty, at night, not venturing outside unnecessarily between Maghrib and Isha’, not habitually sleeping after Fajr, abstaining from eating milk and fish together, indulging in idle talk after Isha’, abstention from loud laughter, abstention from much laughter and innumerable other commands and prohibitions are all for our spiritual and physical benefit.
The article hereunder, illustrates just one punishment suffered physically for haraam commission.
Are video games to blame for teenagers suffering fragile bones?
Doctors issue warning after boy, 17, is left with a fractured hip because he wasn’t getting enough sunshine
· 17-year-old was admitted to Sandwell General Hospital after fracturing his hip
· Doctors discovered that he had a vitamin D deficiency - a common problem
· They said his lack of the ‘sunshine vitamin’ was responsible for his weak bones
It’s perhaps the most annoying habits teenagers have - a preference to stay inside, glued to their gadgets.
But choosing to avoid the sunshine in favour of a gaming session could leave them with fragile bones, doctors warn.
One 17-year-old’s obsession with being cooped up in his bedroom for hours at a time was responsible for his fractured hip, a case report suggests.
Having obtained a vitamin D deficiency as a result of his unwillingness to venture outdoors, his skeleton became notably weaker.
However, because this problem is so widespread in the Western world, many more could potentially be at risk, experts warn.
A lack of the vitamin is known to prevent the body from processing calcium and other minerals crucial to bone health.
This can lead to weak or soft bones — known as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults — and can weaken muscles, which, in turn, can lead to falls.
The unnamed teenager was admitted to Sandwell General Hospital, West Bromwich, after fracturing his femur earlier this year.
Writing in BMJ Case Reports, the doctors said tests revealed a ‘vitamin D deficiency to be the likely underlying cause for this fracture’.
This kind of breakage is rare in adolescents. It most often happens as a result of falls, accidents and sporting injuries - but in the boy’s case was that of a non-traumatic incident.
However, they are more common in the elderly population and can have dire health consequences on those in later life.
A lack of vitamin D is known to prevent the body from processing calcium and other minerals crucial to bone health
The teenager had complained of pain in his left hip and knee for more than a month before fracturing his femur.
This discomfort should now be considered a warning sign of an easily reversed deficiency, the doctors said.
Everyone should be taking Vitamin D pills to improve bone and muscle health, British health chiefs announced in July.
After an extensive five year review, Public Health England recommended a 10mg daily supplement, and said even babies would benefit.
Until this moment, the advice in Britain on taking vitamin D supplements hadn’t changed for 25 years.
It was a surprising move, given that officials often claim that tablets are no substitute for a balanced diet.
However, a deficiency has been linked to a raft of problems, including the re-emergence of rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.
Figures suggest that between 40 per cent and 75 per cent of people are deficient in the ‘sunshine vitamin’.
They added: ‘This case emphasises the need to maintain a high index of suspicion for atraumatic fractures in healthy adolescents with unexplained joint pain.’
During the spring and summer, the skin has the ability to produce vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight.
But in the autumn and winter, most people have to rely on their diet to get enough - mainly in the form of oily fish, red meat and fortified goods.
Millions rely on supplements to boost their levels of the nutrient, with it having been shown to have various health benefits.
However, many elderly people are deficient in the vitamin because they do not go outdoors enough - another reason they are prone to fractures.
After having surgery to repair the fracture, the boy recovered entirely. However, it is unsure whether he has since upped his vitamin D consumption.
However, this comes after British researchers thrown a spanner in the works to suggest too much vitamin D can make bones weak.
After analysing the results of hundreds of trials, they concluded there was ‘no consistent evidence’ that it improves muscle or bone health.
Dr Natalie Carter, of Arthritis Research UK, said: ‘We know that vitamin D is needed to help maintain good bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and subsequent fractures.
‘As this case report suggests, a non-traumatic fracture in an otherwise healthy 17-year boy, is extremely unusual.’
(End of article)
Hadhrat Umar Ibn Khattaab (Radhiyallahu anhu), wrote a letter to all his governors in distant lands in which he ordered the Muslims with two essential acts:
- 1. Do not avoid sunshine. Sunshine is our bath.
- 2. Do not mount your horses like the Ajam (kuffaar).