IMAAM Azam (Abu Hanifah)


Among the great, illustrious and noble Warathatul Ambiya – the Heirs and Representatives of the Ambiya – the most and much maligned is Imaam A’zam, Imaam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullah alayh). The haasideen (the jealous ones) and the haaqideen (the malicious ones) had left no stone unturned in their satanic attempts and endeavours with their slanders, falsehood and calumnies to ruin the glittering reputation of Imaam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullah alayh). When Allah Azza Wa Jal projects His Khalifah on earth, then the entire mankind and jinkind together cannot succeed in their pernicious efforts of slander and vituperation.


  1. Assa la mo alia kom
    the recent death of Ml Makki and the removal of mayat to his home town in Saudi Arabia has left me bewildered.we learn everyday that a mayat should not be kept for long period of time.I am yet to hear the local voices of our ulema on the mayat of Ml Makki.if this is pemissiable.

    Reply January 24, 2024
    • Assalamu Alaikum
      can the plethora of shaitaaniyat and haraam acts associated with transportation of a body from one country to another ever be jaa-iz (permissible)? Without the need for plunging in the Fiqhi technical issues, the heart of a Mu’min will spontaneously issue the correct fatwa. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Seek a fatwa from your heart.”

      Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’aan Majeed: “No person knows in which land he will die.” This event is only in the Knowledge of Allah Azza Wa Jal. Allah Ta’ala had decreed that the honourable Marhoom Maulana who had resided for many decades in Makkah Muazzamah, should die in South Africa. Therefore, he embarked on the flight to South Africa. On reaching South Africa, Malakul Maut arrived to take his soul. Thus, the land Allah Ta’ala had decreed for his death was South Africa. It was therefore Waajib to bury him in the place where he had died. Read further our booklet on this issue.

      Reply February 1, 2024

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