This is a short compilation of selected sayings and anecdotes of the illustrious Auliyaa (the special friends—saints) of Allah Ta’ala. The perpetuation of Islam in its original purity has been ensured by the various classes of Auliyaa among whom are also found the great Fuqaha, Muhadditheen and Mufassireen.
The sayings and anecdotes presented in this book belong to the domain of Islamic morality, spirituality and the remembrance of Allah, which in fact is the goal of life. No order has been observed in this compilation. It is essentially a book of Naseehat —advice and admonition. The aim of these advices is to create a concern (fikr) in the Muslim for the Aakhirah for which mankind as been created. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Verily, the world has been created for you and you have been created for the Aakhirah.”
Careful, sincere and reflective reading of the Naseehat of the Auliyaa will create the desired effect, viz. remembrance of Allah and the Aakhirah. The sincere reader in the quest of the truth will derive from this book the necessary enthusiasm to impel him further on in the search for the Path leading to Allah’s Proximity.