Please comment on the programme advertised as the “legend of islam”. Is such a programme ever permissible? What is happening to the Ulama and to the Muslim community?
Concerts are advertised as Islamic events. This programme organized by Ulama has left many thinking Muslims aghast. We are now beginning to understand what is the meaning of ulama-e-soo’.
Are collective ‘electrifying’ Zikrs and collective Qur’aan recitations established from the Qur’aan or Sunnah? Is this from the Khulafaa ur Raashidoon, Taabieen, Tabe Taabieen, the Salaf or our akaabireen?
Is this a Bidah? How can a jamiat and Islamic radio station which purport to represent Muslims and Islam be involved in this?
There are certain business which are Sponsoring this event. What exactly are they sponsoring? Are they paying these ‘Ulama’? Are they hiring the masjid?
Everything is becoming so fake and plastic-like. It is more like a concert, with an MC and so forth.
(End of letter)
On all sides we are engulfed by fitnah, and this fitnah is spearheaded by the ulama-e-soo’. All the characters mentioned in the haraam merrymaking programmed of riya and takabbur are evil molvis. They are the food of Jahannam. They are the scoundrels who destroy the Akhlaaq if the masses, leading them along the path of Jahannam.
Even a layman who has not become the slave of the bestial lusts of the nafs can understand how vile, immoral and haraam this ‘Legends of Islam’ programme organized by the agents of Iblees is. It should be titled: Legends of Hell. We are living in the era about which the Hadith says:
“Firnah will be regarded as Sunnah. If anything from this fitnah is discarded, the people will say that a Sunnat has been abandoned.” When the people asked: “When will such a (vile) time dawn?” Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood (Radhiyallahu anhu) said: “When your Ulama (the Ulama-e-Haqq) have gone (i.e. there will be extremely few left); when your qaaris are in abundance; when your trustworthy are few; when your rulers are in abundance (i.e. the civil services); when knowledge (of the Deen) will be acquired for purposes other than the Deen, and when the amal of the Aakhirat will be used for worldly objects.”
This prediction is daily materializing in a variety of ways. The Deen which is the “amal of the Aakhirat” is being pillaged, plundered and used for the dunya by these scoundrel molvis who are stabbing Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) in the heart with their villainy which they are advertising in the name of Islam.
Every item on the satanic programme is haraam. Just imagine advertising ‘armed robbery’ as a virtue and citing it as a qualification for being a molvi. These agents of Iblees have surpassed Iblees in his shaitaaniyat. The programme is accursed – mabghoodh and ma’oon, and so are all the vile, moron actors, and so are all the participants including the audience. All of them are the fuel of Jahannam. May Allah Ta’ala save us from the villainy portrayed in Deeni hues, and may Allah Ta’ala save the ignorant masses from the rape of Imaan perpetrated by the scoundrel molvis of the NNB Jamiat of Fordsburg.
These evil molvis are the scum and rubbish mentioned by Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) in the following Hadith:
“The Saalihoon are (quickly) passing on, one after the other. Then will remain only the rubbish such as the chaff of dates or barley. Allah has no care whatsoever for them.”
7 Rabiul Awwal 1437 (19 December 2023)