The old Admiral hotel in Overport, Durban is being renovated to be the new Musjid. This is being clone at great expense and is unnecessary wastage of money. Please advise on this.

We do not know of the merits of this case. If a Musjid is needed in the vicinity or not, we are not aware. However, in the present age there is a definite emphasis on wasting huge monetary resources for unproductive structures. People construct elaborate Mus­jids to vie with each other. .Millions are wasted in brick, mortar and tiles while tens of millions of the Ummah’s children all over the world are totally deprived of the very ba­sic Deeni education to preserve their Imaan.

The diseases of riya (show) and israaf (waste) are chronic among Muslims. Mil­lions of rands are wasted in putting up struc­tures. But most of the time a handful of mus­allis attends. Among the signs of Qiyaamah is the squandering of money on unnecessary Musjid structures. In this regard Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Their Musaajid will be elaborate constructions while they (the Musaajid) will be bereft of hidaavat (Deeni guidance).”


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