I have heard conflicting views about Molvi Ismail Menk of Zimbabwe. Should I listen to his bayaans?
Ismail Menk is a Salafi masquerading as a Hanafi. Beware of his talks. Do not fall into his trap of deception. He, in fact Salafis, are like
Shiahs. They have the common strategy of taqiyah in terms of which they conceal their true beliefs from the Ahlus Sunnah in order to gain converts to Salafi’ism. Do not listen to his bayaans.
These half-baked Salafi molvies and sheikhs are ambassadors of the Saudi regime. They slink in the Muslim community and subtly propagate Salafi’ism. When they are in the presence of Hanafi Ulama, then like chameleons they are ‘hanafis’. When they are with the ignorant masses, they inject the poison of Salafi’ism. Beware of the talks of these dacoits who ruin Imaan with their glib tongues and devious bayaans. Another devious Salafi outfit is the Al- Kausar group of dajjaals. Salafis, Shiahs, Bid’atis and modernists zanadiqah are all the agents of shaitaan lying in ambush to rob Muslims of their Imaan. Beware of all of these menaces.