When Allah Azza Wa Jal announced to the Angels that He had made Hadhrat Ibraaheem (alayhis salaam) His Khaleel (Friend), Hadhrat Izraaeel (alayhis salaam) — the Angel of Death — requested permission to convey this good news to Nabi Ibraaheem (alayhis salaam). Permission was granted.
After Malakul Maut conveyed the glad tidings, Nabi Ibraaheem (alayhis salaam) said: “0 Izraaeel, show me how you extract the souls of the kuffaar.” Malakul Maut: “You will not be able to bear seeing it.” When Hadhrat Ibraaheem (alayhis salaam) persisted, Izraaeel (alayhis salaam) transformed himself into the form in which he appears at the time of capturing the souls of the kuffaar. In front of him, Hadhrat Ibraaheem (alayhis salaam) beheld a hideous and massive creature. His head reached the sky and flames were being emitted from every part of his body.