Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’aan Majeed:

“Behold! the Auliya (Friends) of Allah-there will be no fear on them neither will they grieve. They (the Auliya of Allah) are those who have accepted Imaan and adopt Taqwa.”

Friendship (Wilaayat) with Allah,according to this aayat is based on two acts: Imaan and Taqwa. Thus, one’s Wilaayat with Allah Tat ala will be in proportion to the degree of Imaan and Taqwa possessed.

Every Mu’min enjoys the lowest rank of Wilaayat known as Wilayat- e-Aammah (the general Friendship of Allah Ta’ala extending to all Believers). The minimum requisite for Wilaayat-e-Aammah is correctness of Aqaaid (Beliefs).

Those who possess a high degree of Imaan and Taqwa enjoy a high rank of Wilaayat. The high rank of Wilaayat is called Wilaayat-e-Khawsah (or the special link of proximity to Allah Ta’ala). In common language a Wali is one who enjoys this higher rank of Wilaayat , i.e. Wilaayat-e-Khaas-sah.

The two requirements for Wilaayat-Khaassah are Imaan-e-Kaamil (perfect Imaan) and Taqwa- e-Kaamil (perfect Taqwa). These requirements are Fardh and Waajib just as Salaat and Saum are compulsory. Both these requirements cannot be acquired without Islaah-e-Baatin or reformation of the heart, soul and nafs. This is quite apparent since the heart is the receptacle of Imaan. While Taqwa is also related to the external body, perfect or Kaamil Taqwa is connected with the heart as well. In this regard Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“Taqwa is here (and he indicated towards the breast.” (MUslim)

The acquisition of perfect Imaan and Taqwa are obligatory. This acquisition is dependent on the reformation (Islaah) of the Baatin (heart, soul and nafs).Thus Islaah of the Baatin is also incumbent.

Just as it is essential to rectify and perfect the external Ahkaam (pertaining to the external body) so too is it necessary to rectify and perfect the internal Ahkaam (pertaining to the heart, rooh and nafs). In fact, there is greater emphasis on Islaah-e-Baatin, for without having reformed the heart, soul and nafs, perfection of the external dimension of Islam is not possible. If the heart is corrupt, man’s external actions will be corrupt. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has made explicit reference to this fact. But, this dimension (the Baatin) is mostly neglected and not even considered necessary by most people. A careful study of the Qur’aan and Hadith will confirm the great emphasis Islam places on the reformation of the Baatin. The most important part of the Baatini Ahkaam is Imaan. Acceptance by Allah Ta’ala depends on correct Imaan. If Imaan is defective,there is no acceptance.


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