
Even those who have not pursued higher Deeni Ilm are perfectly aware that the Structure of Islam’s Shariah rests on Four Fundamental Sources or Proof which are:Kitaabullaah (the Qur’aan Majeed), Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), Ijma’ (Consensus) of the Ummah’s Authorities, and Qiyaas (the Shariah’s process of Analogical Deduction) for the formulation of Ahkaam –laws – on the basis of inviolable Qur’aanic and Hadith principles-Usool. Besides these Four fundamental Sources of Law, the Shariah does not recognize any other institution, personality or system in its formulation of Ahkaam. It thus excludes from its Evidences of Law the kashf/ilhaam (Divine Inspiration and Intuition) of the Auliya and the opinions of any personality which conflicts with the Ahkaam which have been formulated on the sacred foundations of the Four Fundamental Sources of the Shariah. An issue which is structured on any one of these inviolable Sources of the Shariah comes with its attribute of immutability. It has the full force of the Shariah and is binding on Muslims. Any act which cannot be substantiated on the basis of the Four Proofs (Dalaail-e-Ar-ba-ah) is beyond the ambit of the Shariah. Shar’i status cannot be claimed for such an opinion, view, theory or practice.
In a discussion related to the Shariah, it is essential to bear in mind the Basis of the Ahkaam. If it is desired to ascertain the Islamic credibility of a claim or an opinion, it is imperative to invoke the Standard of the Dalaail-e-Ar-ba-ah. Any attempt to prove validity for an opinion or concept on a basis which is outside the confines of the Four Proofs of the Shariah, is an unprincipled endeavour. The resultant opinion will not enjoy Shar’i validity irrespective of its overt and superficial beauty and appeal to emotion and even intellect.
On the contrary, if an act is securely structured on any of the Four Sources of the Shariah, it will enjoy inviolability. It will be said to be an immutable Hukm of Islam regardless of any ostensible clash with reason. Islam is the product of Divine Revelation (Wahi), not of man’s reason and intellect. In the formulation of Ahkaam on the basis of Qiyaas, the Muslim has to incumbently fetter his reasoning and intellect to the limits of the Four Sources of the Shariah. Islam does not permit unbridled operation of reasoning. The Qur’aan ordains that our reasoning be restricted to operate within the parameters of Allah’s Law which is an Edifice structured on the foundations of Dalaail-e-Ar-ba-ah – The Four Fundamental Sources of the Shariah.


Information: Please note: each chapter of this book is on a separate page, you can either use the contents list or the pages at the bottom to navigate through the chapters.



Islam with all its Ahkaam – the Shariah – is more than fourteen centuries old. Islam was not handed to the Ummah as an ambiguous concept to be interpreted by each successive generation to suit the whims and fancies of the wildly fluctuating vagaries of the nafs. The further we journey from the age of Nubuwwat, the greater is the degree of degeneration and corruption. The process of moral and intellectual decadence as evidenced by history is undoubtedly incremental. Allah Ta’ala has not allowed His Inviolable Shariah to suffer a process of degeneration in the way man’s morals have suffered. The purity of the Shariah has been maintained throughout the long corridor of Islam’s history. The Qur’aan guarantees this purity:“Verily, We have revealed The Thikr (the Qur’aan—Allah’s Law) and, verily We are its Protectors.” Every law, teaching, belief, custom and practice of Islam enjoy a sacred antiquity which is linked to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) by an unbroken Chain of narration which has been reliably and authentically transmitted from one generation to the other. And so on will the process be perpetuated until the Last Day.

Any idea which is bereft of this peculiar attribute of antiquity is not Islam. It is not part of the Inviolable Shariah. It will not be an immutable Hukm of Allah Ta’ala. Any person who questions the validity of a Shar’i injunction which enjoys the antiquity linked to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), does so at the peril of scuttling his Imaan. When Allah and His Rasool have issued a verdict, everything besides such Divine ruling is kufr. Declaring this Fatwa, the Qur’aan Majeed states:

“Then We have established you on a Shariah with regards to (all) affairs (of life). Therefore, follow it (the Divine Shariah). And, do not follow the vain desires of those who know not.”

Since there is absolutely no scope for a re-interpretation of the Shariah’s prohibition of music and musical instruments, or for any law of Islam, those who venture attempts motivated by the desire to abrogate the fourteen century Shar’i ban on the voice and instruments of shaitaan, are in fact renouncing their Imaan. Refutation of even a single item on which Allah and His Rasool have issued their verdict is kufr – kufr which expels its proponent from the fold of Islam.

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